Privacy policy

Studio Lindes  mission is to design exceptional products for the world, not to collect or sell personal data. So in general we have no interest in your personal information. However, to provide you the best experience and be able to processing orders we store some information about you. Of course we follow the European GDPR rules.

The following  policy is subject to change over time as the webpage develops further.  It is recommended that users review the policy regularly to stay updated on any possible changes.

1  Information Collected
We only collect personal information that users voluntarily provide, such as names, email addresses, and any additional details submitted during order placement, newsletter sign-up, or other user-initiated interactions. 

2 How Information is Collected
The information is collected directly from users through website forms, including order forms and newsletter sign-up forms. We do not use analytics tools or cookies for data collection.

3 Purpose of Collection
The collected information is used for specific purposes, such as processing orders, facilitating communication with users, and delivering newsletters or updates. At Studio Linde, we do not engage in the use of analytics tools or cookies for tracking user activity. Our primary goal is to enhance user experience, streamline order processing, and keep users informed about our latest offerings. Rest assured that any information provided is handled with utmost care and is never shared without your explicit consent.

4 Third-Party Sharing

Studio Linde has no interest in sharing or selling personal information.  However  to fulfill product deliveries we share necessary customer information with trusted third-party shipping services. These services operate under their own privacy policies, and we ensure their commitment to high privacy and security standards. Please review the privacy policies of these services for further details.

5 Security Measures:
We prioritize the security of your information. Our website, built on Webflow and hosted by, benefits from their robust security infrastructure. We take reasonable measures to safeguard your data, utilizing encryption and secure servers. Rest assured, we're committed to ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of the information you entrust to us

6 User Rights
You have the right to access, correct, and request the deletion of your personal information.
You can limit how we process your data and request it in a portable format.
If you believe there's a legitimate reason, you can object to the processing of your data.

7 Cookies
As far as we know our website does not use cookies or similar tracking and analytic technologies. You have the option to manage or disable cookies in your browser settings.

8 Opt-Out Options
Users have the freedom to opt-out of specific data collection activities. This encompasses the option to unsubscribe from newsletters or decline participation in targeted advertising. If users wish to exercise these options, clear instructions on how to do so will be provided.

9 Policy Changes
We reserve the right to update our privacy policy periodically. Users will be duly informed about any changes to the policy. It is recommended that users review the policy regularly to stay informed about how their data is handled.

10 Contact Information
For any privacy-related inquiries or concerns, you can contact us at We are committed to addressing your questions promptly and ensuring transparency about how we handle your data.

11 Legal Basis
As an entity operating within the European Union, we adhere to the principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The legal bases for processing personal data on our website are:
Consent: For specific activities such as newsletter subscriptions or marketing communications, we rely on the explicit consent of the user.Contractual Necessity: When processing is essential for the fulfillment of a contract, such as order processing and delivery.
Legal Obligation: In cases where processing is necessary to comply with legal obligations, such as financial record-keeping.
Legitimate Interest: For activities where we have a legitimate interest, provided it is not overridden by the rights and interests of the individuals.

For any questions or info, do not hesitate to contact us

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